"Funny?" is a video piece created in occasion of the international open call for Lubomirov-Angus Hughes Gallery in London for the exhibition "Antennae", curated by Anna Bleeker, Alessandra Falbo and Claire Damary.
From the Lubomirov Angus Hughes website (www.lubomirov-angus-hughes.com):
"This year the project in London and Athens will take place during a volatile and uncertain year for Europe. As a London-based gallery, ran by people of diverse nationalities, we are affected in different ways by the reality of political boundaries and processes which exist independently of us. These force us to consider matters of nationality and geography.
We will be returning to a city where our last project aimed at addressing Greek austerity. A year later we find ourselves in a climate of increasingly instability at home. This sense of uncertainty pervades all aspects of culture and the different ways in which artists respond to this, directly or indirectly, is what we will seek to capture through curation.
As last year, this will be a two-part project, with a viewing in London, followed by an exhibition at Platforms Project in Athens. All works submitted to the open call will be shown in London and the application fees of artists not selected for this first stage of the project will be refunded. The project’s curators will then use the works on display in London as a basis from which to draw an exhibition which they feel contextualises the more immediate mood of the time – something that seems constantly in the balance and on the verge of explosive development".